Google Ads Remarketing Tutorial 2022 with Google Analytics 4 & Google Tag Manager

2022 Google Ads Remarketing Tutorial using Google Analytics 4 and Google Tag Manager

I’m excited to share with you my comprehensive 2022 Google Ads Remarketing Tutorial using Google Analytics 4 and Google Tag Manager. As an experienced content writer and SEO specialist, I’ve come to understand the importance of implementing effective remarketing strategies on websites as part of a successful digital marketing campaign. In this tutorial, I’ll guide you through the necessary steps to set up and execute remarketing campaigns using Google Ads, Google Analytics 4, and Google Tag Manager. So buckle up and get ready to supercharge your online advertising efforts in 2022!


As an SEO writer, I am always looking for ways to improve my marketing strategies. Retargeting ads, in particular, are an instrumental tool that can help me drive traffic to my website and increase conversions. With the help of Surfside PPC, a YouTube channel that focuses on digital marketing strategies, I was able to learn how to create Google Ads retargeting campaigns using Google Analytics 4 and Google Tag Manager.

What You Will Learn

By watching Surfside PPC’s video, I learned how to set up Google Ads Remarketing campaigns efficiently through Google Analytics 4 and Google Tag Manager. Here are some of the topics that the video covers:

Creating Remarketing Audiences

The tutorial taught me how to create remarketing audiences for my Google Ads campaigns using both Universal Google Analytics and GA4. The video also showed me how to create remarketing audiences based on my YouTube channel. This feature is helpful if I want to retarget people who have engaged with my videos.

Installing Google Ads Tag

To create retargeting ads, I needed to install the Google Ads Tag on my website. The video provided a step-by-step guide on how to accomplish this by using Google Tag Manager.

Setting Up Retargeting Campaigns

The tutorial showed me how to set up my Google Ads retargeting campaigns using the Audience Manager. To make my campaigns more effective, I learned how to enable Google signals data collection with Google Analytics to improve my ad targeting.

Optimizing Google Ads Remarketing Campaigns

No digital marketing strategy is complete without optimization. The video tutorial concluded with tips on how to optimize my Google Ads Remarketing campaigns, such as creating custom ad copy and A/B testing.


Thanks to Surfside PPC, I now have a better understanding of how to create Google Ads Remarketing campaigns using Google Analytics 4 and Google Tag Manager. With these tools, I can retarget people who have visited my website in the past and increase my chances of converting them into customers.


  1. What is retargeting, and why is it important for my digital marketing strategy?
    Retargeting is a digital marketing strategy that allows you to show ads to people who have visited your website in the past. It is important because it gives you a second chance to capture interest from people who have already shown an interest in your products or services.

  2. What is the Google Ads Tag, and why do I need to install it on my website?
    The Google Ads Tag is a tracking code that allows you to track conversions and create remarketing campaigns. You need to install it on your website so that Google can track visitors who have engaged with your website and retarget them with ads.

  3. Can I create remarketing audiences without using Google Analytics?
    While it is possible to create remarketing audiences without Google Analytics, using it will give you more advanced targeting options and better insights into user behavior on your website.

  4. Can I use Google Ads Remarketing for any type of business?
    Google Ads Remarketing can be used for any type of business, but it is most effective for businesses that have a longer sales cycle or those that offer high-ticket items.

  5. How can I optimize my Google Ads Remarketing campaigns?
    There are several ways to optimize your Google Ads Remarketing campaigns, including creating custom ad copy, A/B testing, and refining your audience targeting. It’s crucial to analyze your campaign data regularly and make changes as needed.

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