Advanced Keyword Research Tools
There a number of advanced keyword techniques one can use to expand their keyword terms. Some good techniques include the following:
Google keyword planner
This is the only tool from Google following the demise of the external keyword tool. The process includes:
- Put a bunch of keywords in the keyword planner tool and:
- Limit to 100 searches or more
- Add negative keywords or keywords to ignore
- Add positive keywords to include
Scrape your site for top landing pages
Scrape your blog or website and take the top landing page visits.
Put the top landing pages into keyword planner tool and gather their keywords that are most relevant based on searched.
Add negative keywords to exclude
Add positive keywords to include e.g. if you were looking for content for a blog post you might want to include words like:
- who
- what
- where
- to
- vs
Take generic keyword and put it in Ubersuggest. Grab a list of the most relevant keywords searches and:
- Put in keyword planner tool
- Only show results above 100 searches per month
- Add negative keywords or keywords to exclude
Put a bunch of keywords into scrapebox keyword tool and choose search level up to 4. This will bring up searched keywords then put them back into scrapebox for searching on a further level.
Download the keywords from scrapebox and put them into the keyword planner tool.
Below video discusses some more advanced methods.