Elementor Pro Part 7 - Elementor Price List Widget

Discover How to Use Elementor Price List Widget to Improve Your Web Design – Elementor Pro Part 7

Welcome to our blog post series on Elementor Pro. In this latest installment, we will be focusing on the Elementor Price List Widget and how it can help you take your web design to the next level. As dedicated content writers and SEO specialists, we understand the importance of incorporating user-friendly widgets that capture the attention of your audience. With the Elementor Price List Widget, you can easily display pricing plans, product features and more, making it a must-have for any website owner looking to enhance their design. Join us as we explore the different ways you can use this widget to upgrade your website and create a more engaging user experience.


Welcome to WP Learning Lab! We are excited to share our seventh part of the Elementor Pro tutorial series. In this tutorial, we will focus on the Elementor Pro Price List Widget. This powerful feature of Elementor Pro can improve your web design by allowing you to create beautiful and informative price lists. We’ll show you how to create custom price lists that fit your website’s design requirements and how to use this feature effectively.

The Elementor Price List Widget:

If you want to showcase your products and services with style and elegance, the Elementor Price List Widget is the perfect solution. With this powerful feature, you can create beautiful and informative pricing tables and lists in just a few clicks. Whether you run an online store, a business website, or a personal blog, the Elementor Price List Widget can help you to attract more customers and increase your conversions. Here’s what you can do with this amazing feature:

  1. Create Custom Price Lists:
    Elementor Pro allows you to create custom price lists that can be fully customized according to your needs. You can add as many columns and rows as you want, set the spacing and width of each column, and customize the typography, colors, and background image to match your website’s design.

  2. Add Images, Icons, and Progress Bars:
    The Elementor Price List Widget comes with a built-in image gallery, icon library, and progress bar feature that can add more visual appeal to your pricing tables. You can add images, icons, and progress bars to each pricing plan to highlight the key features and create a more engaging experience for your visitors.

  3. Offer Discounts and Promotions:
    If you want to offer discounts and promotions to your customers, the Elementor Price List Widget can help you to do that with ease. You can display the original price, the discounted price, and the savings in percentage or currency value, making it easy for your visitors to compare the prices and make a decision.

  4. Integrate with Payment Gateways:
    Elementor Pro allows you to integrate your price lists with various payment gateways such as PayPal, Stripe, and WooCommerce. This feature can make it easy for your customers to purchase products and services directly from your website without any hassle.

  5. Responsive Design:
    With the Elementor Price List Widget, you don’t have to worry about the responsiveness of your pricing tables and lists. The widget is designed to work flawlessly on all devices and screen sizes, ensuring that your visitors have a seamless experience regardless of the device they use.


We have shown you how the Elementor Price List Widget can improve your web designing by providing an easy way to create custom price lists that fit your website design requirements. We hope this tutorial has been helpful to you and that you can apply these tips to your website. Remember that we offer a previous tutorial in this series that you can check out and an Ultimate Guide to Elementor course waiting list that you can join. You can also join our private Facebook group and use the #WPLLCommunity hashtag to share WordPress success videos. Connect with us on Twitter and follow our Facebook page to stay updated with the latest news and updates. Our hope is to help everyone with WordPress-related questions, and we offer daily WordPress tutorials on our website. Finally, we recommend SiteGround for hosting websites with over 20 reasons to choose them.


  1. Q: Can I use the Elementor Price List Widget for a personal blog?
    A: Yes, you can use the Elementor Price List Widget to showcase your blog’s products, services, or offers.

  2. Q: Is the Elementor Price List Widget responsive?
    A: Yes, the Elementor Price List Widget is designed to work flawlessly on all devices and screen sizes.

  3. Q: How can I integrate my price lists with payment gateways?
    A: Elementor Pro allows you to integrate your price lists with various payment gateways such as PayPal, Stripe, and WooCommerce.

  4. Q: How can I join your private Facebook group?
    A: You can join our private Facebook group by searching for “WP Learning Lab – PRIVATE GROUP” on Facebook.

  5. Q: Do you offer WordPress tutorials daily?
    A: Yes, we offer daily WordPress tutorials on our website to help everyone improve their WordPress skills.

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