Free Keyword Research Tools to Boost Your SEO Efforts in 2023

Enhance Your SEO Strategies in 2023 with These Top Free Keyword Research Tools

As an experienced SEO writer, I know the importance of keyword research in creating an effective content strategy. One of the biggest challenges is finding affordable tools that can help identify the right keywords for your target audience. Fortunately, there are many free keyword research tools out there that you can use to enhance your SEO strategies in 2023. In this blog post, I’ll be sharing my top picks for the best free tools that will help you boost your website’s visibility and attract more traffic. So, let’s dive in and explore the world of free keyword research tools together!


Hello there! My name is [YOUR NAME], and I am excited to share with you some valuable insights on the top free keyword research tools for SEO. With the rise of digital marketing, it is essential to optimize content for search engines to attract more readers and viewers. To achieve that, you need to use the right keywords to drive traffic to your website or channel. However, keyword research can be a daunting task, particularly if you don’t have access to paid tools. Luckily, there are plenty of free alternatives that can provide valuable insights and help you optimize your content for SEO.

In this article, I will share with you a complete list of free keyword research tools for 2023. From Google Keyword Planner to Answer The Public, you will find a variety of tools suitable for both beginners and experienced content creators. So, without further ado, let’s get started!

Top 20 Free Keyword Research Tools for SEO:

  1. Google Keyword Planner:
    Google Keyword Planner is a free tool offered by Google Ads. It allows you to find relevant keywords and get insights on their search volume, competition, and cost per click (CPC).

  2. Google Search Console:
    Google Search Console is a free tool that helps you monitor and improve your website’s performance on Google Search. It provides valuable keyword information, such as search volume and user intent.

  3. Keywords Everywhere:
    Keywords Everywhere is a free browser extension that shows you search volume, cost per click, and competition data for any keyword you search for. It also offers keyword suggestions and related queries.

  4. Keyword Surfer:
    Keyword Surfer is a free browser extension that provides keyword data directly in your Google search results. It shows you search volume, CPC, and competition data for any keyword you search for.

  5. is a free tool that generates up to 750 keyword suggestions for any search term you enter. It also provides search volume, CPC, and competition data for each keyword.

  6. Answer The Public:
    Answer The Public is a free tool that helps you find popular questions, topics, and related searches. It generates a visual map of all the questions people are asking about a specific topic.

  7. Also Asked:
    Also Asked is a free tool that generates a list of related questions based on a primary search term. It also displays a visual map of related topics and queries.

  8. Soovle:
    Soovle is a free tool that generates keyword suggestions from various search engines and platforms, including Google, Amazon, Bing, and YouTube.

  9. Google Trends:
    Google Trends is a free tool that tracks the popularity of search terms over time. It helps you identify emerging trends and seasonal changes in search behavior.

  10. Keyworddit:
    Keyworddit is a free tool that extracts keywords from Reddit threads related to a specific topic. It provides a list of popular and relevant keywords and phrases.

  11. Bulk Keyword Generator:
    Bulk Keyword Generator is a free tool that generates long-tail keywords based on a primary keyword. It allows you to export the list as a CSV file for further analysis.

  12. WordStream Free Keyword Tool:
    WordStream Free Keyword Tool is a free tool that provides a list of relevant long-tail keywords based on a seed keyword. It also offers search volume and CPC data for each keyword.

  13. AppTweak:
    AppTweak is a free tool that provides comprehensive data on keyword difficulty, search volume, and ranking potential for app store optimization.

  14. Keyword Tool Dominator:
    Keyword Tool Dominator is a free tool that generates long-tail keywords from Google, Amazon, Bing, and eBay. It provides search volume and CPC data for each keyword.

  15. is a free tool that offers three free searches per day. It provides comprehensive data on keyword difficulty, search volume, CPC, and ranking potential.

  16. Ahrefs Free Keyword Generator:
    Ahrefs Free Keyword Generator is a free tool that generates up to 150 keyword suggestions for any keyword you enter. It also provides search volume and keyword difficulty data.

  17. Keyword-Tools by SEOBility:
    Keyword-Tools by SEOBility is a free tool that generates a list of relevant keywords based on a seed keyword. It also offers search volume and CPC data for each keyword.

  18. Twinword Ideas:
    Twinword Ideas is a free tool that generates a list of related keywords and topics based on a primary keyword. It also provides search volume and CPC data for each keyword.

  19. SEOBook Keyword Tool:
    SEOBook Keyword Tool is a free tool that generates keyword suggestions based on any seed keyword. It also provides search volume and CPC data for each keyword.

  20. Ubersuggest:
    Ubersuggest is a free tool that generates keyword suggestions and search volume data for any keyword you enter. It also provides keyword difficulty data and backlink analysis.


In conclusion, these free keyword research tools can help you optimize your content for SEO and attract more readers and viewers. From Google Keyword Planner to Ubersuggest, you have plenty of options to choose from. These tools can provide valuable insights on search volume, user intent, competition, and CPC data. They can also generate keyword suggestions and help you identify popular questions and topics related to your niche.

The video tutorial from Surfside PPC provides a complete list of free keyword research tools for YouTube and SEO. The tools are suitable for both beginners and experienced content creators. They show the power of free keyword research tools in SEO and how they can help you enhance your content strategy in 2023.


  1. Are free keyword research tools as effective as paid tools?
    Ans: Free keyword research tools can provide valuable insights and generate keyword suggestions. However, paid tools offer more comprehensive data on keyword difficulty, competition, and ranking potential.

  2. How can I use keyword research tools to optimize my content for SEO?
    Ans: Use keyword research tools to find relevant keywords and phrases related to your niche. Include those keywords in your content, such as titles, descriptions, headings, and body text. Use long-tail keywords to attract a specific audience and optimize for user intent.

  3. What is the best free keyword research tool for beginners?
    Ans: Google Keyword Planner and Google Search Console are great options for beginners. They are easy to use and provide valuable insights on search volume and user intent.

  4. Can free keyword research tools help me attract more readers and viewers to my website or channel?
    Ans: Yes, free keyword research tools can help you optimize your content for SEO and attract more readers and viewers. They can provide valuable insights on search volume, user intent, and related topics.

  5. Are there any limitations to using free keyword research tools?
    Ans: Free keyword research tools may have limitations, such as daily search limits, limited data on competition, and insufficient data on ranking potential. However, they can still provide valuable insights and help you optimize your content for SEO.

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