Lazy Load Images To Improve Page Speed (Defer Offscreen Images)

Improve Your Page Speed by Defering Offscreen Images with Lazy Load Technique

As an SEO writer, I know how important it is to have a website that loads quickly. That’s why I’m excited to share with you a technique that has been proven to improve page speed – lazy loading. By deferring offscreen images, your website will be able to load faster and provide a better user experience for your visitors. In this blog post, I’ll discuss how lazy loading works and show you how to implement it on your website. Let’s get started!

Improve Your Page Speed by Deferring Offscreen Images with Lazy Load Technique

As an experienced content writer and SEO writer, I understand the importance of website speed. Slow loading pages can not only decrease user experience but also impact Search Engine Optimization (SEO). That’s why I am going to discuss a technique known as ‘Lazy Load’ that can significantly improve page speed by deferring offscreen images.


Images are essential for providing visual information on websites, but they can also be a significant contributor to slow loading pages. By using a lazy load technique, you can make the website faster, which leads to better user experiences, higher retention, and better search engine rankings.

What is Lazy Load?

Lazy Load is a technique that loads only the visible content when a page loads and defers offscreen images, which gets loaded when you need to view them. In simple terms, it means not loading images until the visitor or user scrolls down the page, reducing the number of requests sent to the server when the webpage is loading.

How Does Lazy Load Work?

With the lazy load technique, the images are deferred until they are displayed on the screen. The browser first loads the webpage’s visible or onscreen content and then loads offscreen images as the user scrolls down the page.

Here are the steps that occur in the background when lazy loading is applied to a website:

  1. The browser loads the webpage and identifies all the images that need to be loaded on that page.
  2. It then loads only the content that is visible on the screen or the above-the-fold content, which is the content that is visible on the screen without needing to scroll down.
  3. As the user scrolls down, the lazy-loaded images are requested, and only then are they displayed on the screen.

Benefits of Lazy Load

Lazy load provides several benefits when it comes to website design and functionality. Here are some of the key benefits:

  • Improved speed and performance
  • Reduced page weight and number of server requests
  • Better user experience
  • Higher retention rates
  • Better SEO, higher search engine rankings

Lazy Loading Techniques

There are several techniques that can be used to implement lazy loading on a website. Here are the two most popular techniques:

JavaScript-based lazy loading

JavaScript is a popular and straightforward technique used to implement lazy loading. This technique involves using JavaScript code to change the image’s source from a placeholder image to the actual image. The placeholder image is loaded first, and when the user scrolls down to the image, the actual image is loaded.

Plugin-based lazy loading

Plugins or extensions are another way to add lazy loading functionality to a website. WordPress, for example, has a plugin available for lazy loading images in the repository. The plugin comes with almost no setup and can be used by users who don’t have any experience in coding or web development.

While plugin-based lazy loading is easier to implement, it has its shortcomings, and it may cause issues with parallax images, which do not work well with lazy loading.

Lazy Loading Best Practices

While lazy load has its benefits, it’s essential to follow some best practices to achieve optimal results:

  • Only defer offscreen images, not those that are above the fold or visible to the visitors.
  • Test the website after implementing lazy loading to check if there are any issues or errors.
  • Use a plugin-based approach if you’re not comfortable with coding.
  • Consider your website’s design and functionality before implementing lazy loading.
  • Avoid using lazy loading on parallax images.

Improving Page Speed with Lazy Loading

By implementing lazy loading on a website, you can achieve a significant increase in page speed. Lazy loading is a quick site speed win for many websites and can help to reduce the page weight and number of server requests sent when a webpage is loading.

Resources for Learning about Elementor Pro

As an experienced content writer, I am also committed to providing useful resources for users looking to optimize their website. I recommend checking out the free WP & Online Marketing Summit for Beginners. Additionally, I provide learning resources on Elementor Pro and have a waiting list for an Ultimate Guide to Elementor course.


Page speed is a vital component of website design and functionality. By implementing lazy loading, you can considerably improve page speed, reduce server requests, and improve user experience. Lazy loading is a simple but effective technique that should be considered by website owners looking to optimize their websites for speed and performance.


  1. How long does it take to implement lazy loading on a website?

    • If you are using a plugin-based approach, it can take just a few minutes to implement lazy loading. However, if you are using a custom JavaScript-based implementation, it can take longer.
  2. Will lazy loading work on mobile devices?

    • Yes, lazy loading works on mobile devices as well. In fact, it is even more important to implement lazy loading on mobile devices due to slower internet speeds.
  3. Can lazy loading cause issues with SEO?

    • No, lazy loading does not cause any issues with SEO. In fact, it can improve SEO by reducing page weight and server requests and improving user experience.
  4. Can I use lazy loading on all images on my website?

    • While lazy loading is a great technique, it’s important to use it wisely. Only defer offscreen images, not those that are visible to the visitors as deferring above-the-fold images can result in poor user experience.
  5. How can I test if my lazy loading implementation is working?

    • There are several online tools available that can help you test your lazy loading implementation, such as Google’s PageSpeed Insights and Lighthouse.

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