Contact Form 7 Redirect To URL On Submission Or To Thank You Page Without A Plugin

Learn How to Redirect Contact Form 7 Submission to a URL or Thank You Page Without Installing a Plugin

Welcome to our blog post where we will teach you how to redirect the submission of your Contact Form 7 to a URL or a thank you page without the need for any additional plugins. As content writers proficient in SEO, we understand the importance of a well-functioning contact form on your website. It not only allows your visitors to reach out to you, but it also helps you gather leads and potential customers. So, if you’re facing trouble with the submission redirect, do not worry! Our simple and easy step-by-step guide will help you redirect your Contact Form 7 submissions to any web page without the need for a plugin. So let’s get started!


Redirecting Contact Form 7 submissions is an essential aspect of WordPress website management. Do you know that it’s possible to redirect your Contact Form 7 (CF7) submissions to a URL or a Thank You page without installing a plugin?

Yes, you read that right. In this article, we will show you how to redirect Contact Form 7 submissions to a URL or a Thank You page without installing any plugin.

We understand how overwhelming it can be to install and manage different plugins. That is why we provide solutions that are simple, efficient, and effective.

So, let’s dive right into it.

How to Redirect Contact Form 7 Submission to a URL or Thank You Page Without Installing a Plugin:

The steps below are all you need to redirect Contact Form 7 Submission to a URL or a Thank You Page without installing any plugin.

Step 1: Create a Thank You Page
The first thing you need to do is create a Thank You page on your website. This page will contain a message that confirms the successful submission of the Contact Form 7.

To create a Thank You page, follow these steps:

  • Create a new page in WordPress
  • Enter the title of the page as Thank You
  • Add a message that confirms the successful submission of the Contact Form 7

Step 2: Add Redirect Code to Functions.php
After creating your Thank You page, add the redirect code to the functions.php file. The redirect code is what sends the user to the Thank You page after submitting the Contact Form 7.

Add the following code to the functions.php file:

add_action( ‘wp_footer’, ‘custom_redirect_cf7’ );

function custom_redirect_cf7()


Replace ‘‘ with the URL of your Thank You page.

Step 3: Save Your Changes
After adding the redirect code to the functions.php file, save your changes, and refresh your website. When a user submits the Contact Form 7, they will be redirected to the Thank You page that you created earlier.

It’s that simple! You can now redirect your Contact Form 7 submissions to a URL or a Thank You page without installing any plugin.

Benefits of Using Our Redirect Script:

Our redirect script offers several benefits that make it the best solution for redirecting Contact Form 7 submissions to a URL or a Thank You page without installing any plugin. Here are some of the benefits:

  1. It doesn’t require any plugin installation: Our redirect script works without installing any plugin. This ensures that your website doesn’t get bloated with unnecessary plugins.

  2. It’s simple and efficient: Our redirect script is straightforward and easy to use. You don’t need any technical skills or coding knowledge to use it.

  3. It saves time and resources: Our redirect script saves time and resources by eliminating the need to install and manage multiple plugins.


  1. Do I need to have technical skills to use your redirect script?
    No, our redirect script is simple and easy to use. You don’t need any technical skills or coding knowledge to use it.

  2. Can I redirect my Contact Form 7 submissions to multiple URLs or Thank You pages?
    Yes, our redirect script provides a solution for redirecting multiple Contact Form 7 submissions to different pages.

  3. How can I access your redirect script?
    Our redirect script is available on our blog. You can also contact us or leave a comment below if you need any assistance.

  4. Do you offer any other WordPress resources?
    Yes, we offer a free 17-Point WordPress Pre-Launch PDF Checklist and a 10-Point WP Security Checklist for exclusive download. You can also check our website for daily WordPress tutorials and visit our WP Learning Lab Channel for more WordPress info.

  5. Where can I find you on social media?
    You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, and Pinterest. Follow us to stay updated on our latest resources and WordPress tips.


Redirecting Contact Form 7 submissions to a URL or a Thank You page without installing any plugin is a straightforward process. Our redirect script provides a simple, efficient, and effective solution for redirecting Contact Form 7 submissions to a URL or a Thank You page.

We hope that our information proves helpful. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave a comment below or ping us on Twitter. Don’t forget to download our free 17-Point WordPress Pre-Launch PDF Checklist and our 10-Point WP Security Checklist. Also, check our website for daily WordPress tutorials and visit our WP Learning Lab Channel for more WordPress info.

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