
Running Facebook Ads without Targeting: Is it Possible?

Are you curious about the potential of running Facebook ads without targeting? Ever wondered if it is possible to achieve successful results without narrowing down your audience? We delve into this intriguing question and conducted a thorough analysis. Join us as we explore the concept of running Facebook ads without targeting and unravel whether it is truly a viable strategy. So, grab your coffee and let’s dive into this fascinating topic together.

Running Facebook Ads without Targeting: Is it Possible?

Running a successful Facebook ad campaign requires precise targeting to reach the right audience. However, some marketers are questioning whether it’s possible to run ads without any targeting at all. In this article, we will explore the concept of running Facebook ads without targeting and examine the pros and cons of this approach.

Can Facebook Ads be Effective Without Targeting?

Running Facebook ads without targeting goes against conventional marketing wisdom. After all, targeting allows you to reach your desired audience based on their interests, demographics, and behaviors. However, a group of marketers known as open targeting advocates is gaining popularity in the world of Facebook ad campaigns.

The Rise of Open Targeting Advocates

Open targeting advocates argue that narrowing down the audience excessively can limit the potential reach of an ad campaign. They believe that by not setting specific targeting parameters, ads can potentially reach a broader audience, resulting in increased brand exposure and engagement.

Our Experience with Open Targeting

As marketers ourselves, we sometimes experiment with open targeting in our Facebook ad campaigns. We understand the appeal of trying to reach a wider audience. However, based on our experience, we have found that open targeting should not be used exclusively, and it is crucial to strike a balance between open targeting and specific targeting for optimal results.

When to Use Open Targeting

In the video created by Ben Heath, he explains various situations where open targeting is and isn’t recommended. Let’s take a look at some scenarios in which open targeting may be effective:

  1. Brand Awareness Campaigns: If your primary goal is to increase brand exposure and reach as many potential customers as possible, open targeting can be a viable option. By casting a wide net, you may attract a broader audience and generate more brand recognition.
  2. Product Launch: When introducing a new product or service, open targeting can help you reach a diverse group of people who may be interested in what you have to offer. This approach allows you to gather valuable insights and feedback from a wider range of potential customers.
  3. Engaging Content: If you have compelling content that is relevant to a wide range of people, open targeting can help you generate engagement and viral sharing. This approach leverages the power of organic reach and can potentially maximise the impact of your content.

When Not to Use Open Targeting

While open targeting may have its benefits, there are also situations where it is not recommended. Here are a few instances where specific targeting should be prioritised:

  1. Conversion-focused Campaigns: If your goal is to drive specific actions, such as sales or lead generation, precise targeting is essential. By narrowing down your audience, you can reach individuals who are more likely to convert, resulting in a higher return on investment (ROI).
  2. Niche Markets: If your product or service caters to a specific niche market, open targeting may not be the most effective approach. By targeting a narrower audience, you can focus on individuals who are more likely to have a genuine interest in your offering.
  3. Limited Budget: If you have a limited advertising budget, it is crucial to make every dollar count. By targeting a specific audience, you can ensure that your ads are shown to individuals who are most likely to engage and convert, maximising the impact of your campaign.

Other Related Videos on Facebook Ads Targeting

In addition to the video by Ben Heath, we offer a range of other related videos on Facebook ads targeting to help you optimise your ad campaigns. Here are a few topics you might find interesting:

  • “The Power of Custom Audiences: How to Reach Your Ideal Customers”
  • “Demystifying Lookalike Audiences: Finding Your Next Best Customers”
  • “Mastering Behavioural Targeting: Reaching Users Based on Their Online Activities”


  1. Can I rely solely on open targeting for all my Facebook ad campaigns?
    No, it is not recommended to rely solely on open targeting for all your ad campaigns. While it has its benefits, specific targeting allows you to reach individuals who are more likely to convert.
  2. How do I find the right balance between open targeting and specific targeting?
    Finding the right balance depends on your campaign goals and target audience. Experimentation is key. Monitor your campaign results and make adjustments accordingly.
  3. Are there any tools that can help with Facebook ad targeting?
    Yes, Facebook provides its own targeting tools, such as Custom Audiences, Lookalike Audiences, and Behavioural Targeting. These tools can help you reach a more relevant audience.
  4. Can I still use open targeting if I have a limited budget?
    While open targeting can generate brand exposure, it may not be the most effective use of a limited budget. It is advisable to focus on specific targeting to maximise your ROI.
  5. How can I learn more about your Facebook advertising services?
    If you are interested in our done-for-you Facebook advertising services with a budget of $3k per month or more, we invite you to book a free 30-minute strategy session with us. During this session, we can discuss your goals and provide tailored recommendations.

Running Facebook ads without targeting is a concept that challenges conventional marketing practices. While open targeting may have its benefits in certain situations, it should not be used exclusively. Striking a balance between open targeting and specific targeting is crucial for achieving optimal results in your Facebook ad campaigns. By understanding the strengths and limitations of both approaches, you can develop a comprehensive advertising strategy that effectively reaches your desired audience.

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